Usher Professional for iPad has been rebranded to MicroStrategy Communicator for iPad!
MicroStrategy Communicator provides the tools needed to instantly connect with the right people in a meaningful and contextual manner, whether you are coordinating a regional salesforce, a diverse customer population, a government disaster recovery team, or a global network of vendors, distributors, and partners. MicroStrategy Communicator provides identity discovery, location awareness, and two-way communications features that can be leveraged to coordinate activities across a distributed group of MicroStrategy Badge users.
Discover nearby users and view select profile information
• View users nearby based on Bluetooth proximity.
• View users in a 5-mile radius using GPS.
• Tap on a user to view their profile, including photo, title, and other contact information or attributes.
• Launch a phone call, email, text message, Facetime, or in-app secure message.
Search for users based on any criteria in the directory
• Guided search makes it easy to find others based on any attribute in the directory.
• Search on multiple criteria to tailor searches to the exact people needed.
• Save results in Groups for quick access.
View real-time maps of user location
• View users on a map and easily zoom in and out, or move the map to see other areas.
• Select an area of the map—square, radius, or lassoing—to choose users based on their location.
• Save the users in a group.
• Launch a group message or email.
• Send users a secure, in-app message.
Create, edit, and save user groups
• Create groups based on searching directory attributes.
• Create groups based on locations.
• Combine attributes and location to target specific users for relevant and contextual communications.
• Edit groups and save them with unique, meaningful names.
Improve response to emergencies
• Communicate, track, and manage users in real time.
• Determine where impacted users are located.
• Locate and communicate with emergency personnel to optimize deployments.
• Communicate critical information to the right people and obtain real-time responses.
Communicate with individual users or groups in-app or using standard methods like phone, text, and email
• Two-way, in-app secure messaging allows users to send notifications, polls, and other quick messages.
• Launch communications to individuals, based on groups, or by selecting area on map.
• Allow users to respond quickly and easily by providing pre-populated responses.
• View responses and send follow-up messages.
• Report on messaging and responses.